Monday, December 13, 2010

Blog Has Moved

I actually got a gmail account and am using that instead of my old email, which means I'm always logged into google on that account instead of this one.

As a result, I have a new blog for my family :D
If you're on my FaceBook, you can find the address of my new blog on my profile section over there~


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Loic's 1st Birthday!

I can't believe it's already been a year!
When I look back at photos from over the year... I'm surprised at how he's grown!

He's already walking and talking and mimicking the things we do :D
He loves to play pat-a-cake by himself now... of course his favorite part is "roll it, roll it, roll it, roll it, mark it with a B", haha!
He also loves "This little piggy", and even comes up and plays it with our toes!

Other favorite things of his are books, (he sits there looking at them on his own), hair brushes, (he likes to brush his hair while saying "brush brush"), balls, sticks, and instead of the swings, he prefers the rocking animals at the park.

He's such a happy kid. I remember at this age, Keita would throw tantrums when he wouldn't get his way... but not Loic! He only fusses when he's tired or hungry :D

And he's so cuddly! He still loves nursing and sitting on my lap to snuggle once in awhile.

We're planning to celebrate his birthday with my family next weekend... so I'll probably post pictures up then :D

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Loic Walks! :D

Loic has been practicing standing... er, well he's tried about 3 times. He stands, then slowly sits down :D
Yesterday, he stood, clapped his hands when he realized it, then sat down.

Today, he was standing with the chair I was sitting on. Matt sat down across from him. Loic decided to let go, and he stood there for awhile.
So Matt held out his hands and told him to walk... and he took about 4 steps! :D

We clapped and clapped for him and he was so happy XD

So now he's talking and walking~! 9 1/2 months old *o*

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Great Weekend So Far~

Yesterday we took my 15 year old brother Max and his girlfriend out for his late birthday present.

First we stopped at my mom's. She has a new puppy... it's so cute!
We kept telling Loic, "puppy... puppy!" and he repeated it! "Puh-pah"... then the cat walked into the room and sat down. Loic leaned over towards it and said "Puh-pah!", it was adorable!
So that's his 4th word XD
(1. "mama" 2. "di-ee" (daddy) 3. "hi")

Then we went to the import store and got snacks. After that, we hung out at the mall. My brother and his gf walked around on their own... (aw a date *o* hehe), then we bought him these awesome boots at Hot Topic :D

We ate at Carino's, but hardly anybody could finish their food haha. So filling!

After that, we went and saw the new "Alice and Wonderland" movie, then went to a late-night cafe that features Asian drinks.

Ah, we got home so late... my 13 year old sister was baby-sitting at her house for us, and apparently the kids were good, so it was okay :D

And I'm so happy! Lately I've been dressing how I want... which are skirts from Hot Topic, thigh-high stockings, arm warmers and cyber goggles. My mom said I looked weird, but I got so many compliments from so many people~!
I'd keep wearing that stuff even if people didn't compliment, but it's awesome that my taste in clothing is getting good feedback~ <3 I'm so encouraged to be myself!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

So Happy~!

I'm so happy!
The other day, Matt's mom baby-sat the boys. She didn't take them overnight, but it was still nice :D

Matt took me to Red Lobster... and when we got to our table...


...the waiter brought these out!

I was so embarrassed and nervous, but happy! Everyone kept saying congratulations and stuff!

He did it because we couldn't get a baby-sitter for Valentine's Day ^.^
So he told them it was a late Anniversary celebration~

He even went and bought these champagne glasses that had our names engraved on them since we didn't have something like that... he actually brought them to the restaurant so we could use them there! o////o (<-blushing surprised face)

What an awesome husband! ;o;

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

high-speed finally~

We finally got high-speed internet again~!

We were looking for alternatives since this town has a monopoly on it and forces people to buy a phone & internet package... well we can use Skype with high-speed so we have no use for a phone >.<
There wasn't really any way around it though, so we just went ahead and got the stupid package lol

But yay! Now I can finally look at the food in that "taste-spotting" box on this page again~!

I think something happened to the heaters last night... they bubbled and then this morning; it's colder than usual. They aren't broken, but it's colder.
The same thing happened in our old apartment too. I wonder what goes on with those things....

Matt says his mom is going to have the boys spend the night. I'm not sure if she really is, but if that happens, I'll be all worried about Loic, haha. He still nurses at night & in the morning... and he's so spoiled, he still sleeps in our room >.<;; I wonder how he'd handle it.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Guess I'll start updating again :D

I have a different Google account now, but I'm too lazy to transfer this over there, so I'll keep this one :D No big deal~!

We're living in a different apartment now. It's cheaper and closer to my hometown where my siblings are... but I'm kinda tired of living here. It's a smaller town, so it's boring =_= Not as boring as Fairmount, but still boring.
Also, we found out that this building has a mouse problem. So annoying. For some reason this one mouse just won't be caught! I tried peanut butter crackers and everything, but it won't fall for it!

So we'll probably be moving again when we can. Haha.
I hope to move to the cities. There's lots to do there :D
Hopefully we'll be able to move by next summer; maybe sooner by the look of things. Since Matt took that week-long class in FOREX, he's been making enough for us to buy a house over there by then. We're pretty excited :D

Loic is almost walking... he can stand if he wants to, haha. He usually stands to slowly sit down. I wish he'd just walk! Haha~

Keita is just himself... he's gotten less whiny though, I think, haha. One of his newest games is finding letters of the alphabet everywhere he can :D

Well, I'll probably update next week... unless something interesting happens :D