Tuesday, February 17, 2009

27 Weeks

I'm now about 27 weeks pregnant :D

Everything is going well according to my last doctor visit. One inconvenient thing is the ultra-sound... Keita needs a baby-sitter so Matt and I can both go. Matt really wants to be there, but if we can't work something out with someone soon I might have to go alone and just bring back a picture.

The baby is active as ever... usually beating me up most in the mornings when I first wake up, hehe. Finding a position to sleep is getting more annoying, hehe.

I miss sleeping on my back and eating sushi! It's sad to have a craving for a food you can't eat when you're pregnant, haha.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

they wont let you bring him in the room for the ultrasound...we brang sydnee and she liked seeing the baby. i hope you both get to go its the best part seeing that sweet baby. good luck