Wednesday, April 15, 2009

35 Weeks

My pregnancy is still going well. The baby is now facing head down like it should be.
I had another doctor's appointment yesterday... and they keep forgetting to give me the RH negative shot.

Every time, a nurse asks if I've gotten it yet. Every time I say no, and then they tell me the doctor will talk to me about it. And every time, both the doctor and I completely forget about it... I usually remember when I'm in the car going home.

This pregnancy is a bit different from the last.

  • I had worse morning sickness this time. The prenatal vitamin made me sick.
  • At this time with Keita, he was really beating me up. I mean, he'd go through sessions where he'd just repeatedly kick me as hard as he could for half an hour! This baby is active, but is more gentle. Less kicking, though last week it felt like it was doing somersaults in there.
  • Keita also liked shoving his feet way under my ribs. This baby doesn't (thankfully, haha).
  • I'm not as starving as I was last time. During my 3rd trimester with Keita, if I didn't get up and eat something at 5AM I'd feel super sick. I don't feel that way this time.
  • I had food cravings with Keita. I'd always want potatoes or spaghetti... I don't really get cravings this time. Maybe it's because I'm eating healthier this time?
A lot of things are the same, too... like not getting stretch marks until the very last month, and hardly showing through the first trimesters.
It's still fun to note the differences :D


Unknown said...

isnt it funny how differant pregnancies can be? i wasnt sick with syd and i couldnt eat anything with tytan. i carried high with syd and super low with tytan. its so weird!

saimecos said...

thanks for the card. it's been so long since i've heard from you. i'm glad you didn't have much problems with the flood. i was worried about you. i don't have any way to get ahold of you. do you have a phone or email ? i wanted to look at keita's pics but it says that you need a email address and password. ={ i love

Thonie said...

I think it's really amazing how different babies can be! I was a really annoying baby if I remember my mom's words correctly XD

And doctor's are super forgetful xD They're always forgetting stuff for me. Like last time I got blood test, they waited too long to actually LOOK at the results until like... a year and a half later XD

Glad to hear things are well! :)