Saturday, March 13, 2010

Great Weekend So Far~

Yesterday we took my 15 year old brother Max and his girlfriend out for his late birthday present.

First we stopped at my mom's. She has a new puppy... it's so cute!
We kept telling Loic, "puppy... puppy!" and he repeated it! "Puh-pah"... then the cat walked into the room and sat down. Loic leaned over towards it and said "Puh-pah!", it was adorable!
So that's his 4th word XD
(1. "mama" 2. "di-ee" (daddy) 3. "hi")

Then we went to the import store and got snacks. After that, we hung out at the mall. My brother and his gf walked around on their own... (aw a date *o* hehe), then we bought him these awesome boots at Hot Topic :D

We ate at Carino's, but hardly anybody could finish their food haha. So filling!

After that, we went and saw the new "Alice and Wonderland" movie, then went to a late-night cafe that features Asian drinks.

Ah, we got home so late... my 13 year old sister was baby-sitting at her house for us, and apparently the kids were good, so it was okay :D

And I'm so happy! Lately I've been dressing how I want... which are skirts from Hot Topic, thigh-high stockings, arm warmers and cyber goggles. My mom said I looked weird, but I got so many compliments from so many people~!
I'd keep wearing that stuff even if people didn't compliment, but it's awesome that my taste in clothing is getting good feedback~ <3 I'm so encouraged to be myself!

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