Saturday, May 22, 2010

Loic's 1st Birthday!

I can't believe it's already been a year!
When I look back at photos from over the year... I'm surprised at how he's grown!

He's already walking and talking and mimicking the things we do :D
He loves to play pat-a-cake by himself now... of course his favorite part is "roll it, roll it, roll it, roll it, mark it with a B", haha!
He also loves "This little piggy", and even comes up and plays it with our toes!

Other favorite things of his are books, (he sits there looking at them on his own), hair brushes, (he likes to brush his hair while saying "brush brush"), balls, sticks, and instead of the swings, he prefers the rocking animals at the park.

He's such a happy kid. I remember at this age, Keita would throw tantrums when he wouldn't get his way... but not Loic! He only fusses when he's tired or hungry :D

And he's so cuddly! He still loves nursing and sitting on my lap to snuggle once in awhile.

We're planning to celebrate his birthday with my family next weekend... so I'll probably post pictures up then :D

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