Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Overdue Baby

Sorry I haven't updated for awhile... I had a bad cold (again). I still feel groggy, but it's alot better now. I'm glad. I was worried I'd be sick when the baby was born.

But yeah, the baby is overdue.
I was expecting it, since Keita was 2 weeks overdue and had to be induced. If the baby doesn't come soon, I'll be getting induced between Friday and Tuesday. I'd prefer Friday, but the doctor said they don't like doing it on weekends, so I might have to wait until Tuesday. (I just don't want Matt to miss too much work, haha).

And we aren't going to stay in Wahpeton because they found out the water heater is broken.
Most of our stuff is packed and stored over there though, so when we move it'll be alot easier!
The earliest we'd move is June 1st... but we're still deciding between the West Fargo place and this income-based place.
The income-based would be good when Matt starts school.

Anyway, we're going to stay with Matt's mom for those 2 reasons instead of Wahpeton.

Oh yeah, before I said our apartment manager doesn't seem very trustworthy... well yeah, she keeps lying to us and stuff. It all started last year when she said we hadn't paid rent and gave us a 3 day notice to get out.
Luckily we had the receipts that showed we paid.
But since then, it's gone downhill. We probably should've moved when that happened, but our lease wasn't up. Oh well.... we'll finally be rid of her soon :)
(Why do we always get crappy landlords? The first place we rented was worse than this!)

But yeah, that's what's going on! :D


Thonie said...

I hope the baby comes soon! I'm really excited for it! (And I'm not sure why! But babies are just so EXCITING!)

And that's stupid about the landlords.. I guess it happens :\

Unknown said...

oh hurry up baby! Good luck with everything and we cant wait to find out what he/she is!