Saturday, April 25, 2009

Just An Update

It's getting closer to the due-date... and I feel kind of defective since I don't have a "nesting instinct" (I didn't really with Keita, either...).
I don't really feel anxious or in a hurry to get anything done. I guess this weekend I should get the bassinet and baby clothes ready, though....

Lately, the only thing I want to get done is my webcomic. I'm working on getting at least 3 months worth of updates done so I don't have to worry about it until the baby is settled in. It takes me about 3-4 hours to finish a page, and I've been doing at least one page a day.
Hopefully I can get 2 a day done now that I'm over my cold.

I've been proud of Matt because he started doing FOREX trading again and is doing really well! He made about $800 in two months :D
FOREX is like the stock market, but you trade currency instead of businesses, so it's less-risky and stuff... he could tell you more about it, haha.
He's hoping to eventually get enough money in his account to live off of trading when he's in college... he's thinking it'll be at least 6 months until that happens.

And speaking of college, he finally got accepted to NDSU. He almost has everything ready to start this August. Last year, he was planning to go to college at MSU, but they took way too long to figure out the financial stuff and he wasn't able to get in.
NDSU seems to be more efficient.
So, he wants to move closer to campus. There's a 6-9 month wait on the campus-type apartments there, but we'll probably start looking for a place that's closer soon.

To Mom:
Our phone number is the same number we gave you last year :D


Unknown said...

i cant wait to hear what you are having. im glad to hear everything is going great! good luck with your labor and delivery!

saimecos said...

ariel,,,,i don't have the number you gave me last year. maybe YOU could call me... =] mom